Solar car
Installing in an EV with solar PV panels

Even though it is rather ineffective to install solar panels directly on a car, people still want to do it, just for the principle of it.
So, here we offer suggested schematics on how to do so,

YOU are responsible for the actual design; we take no responsibility for the applicability of these schematics to your system.

These circuits use the Lite's internal power supply, and apply for packs with about 50 to 80 cells in series.
Too low a voltage (especially when the pack is fully discharged) and the power supply in the Lite will not turn on.
Too high a voltage (especially in full sun and not charging) and the power supply in the Lite will be damaged.


  • The PV panels' open circuit voltage (uloaded) must never exceed 370 Vdc
  • The pack voltage must be at least 120 Vdc

Two schematics are given: solar only, or with also an AC plug.

Schematic diagram
Schematic diagram for an EV with solar panels (no charger), high voltage
Schematic diagram
Schematic diagram for an EV with both charger and solar panels, high voltage

These circuits power the Lite through its Ignition input, and apply for packs with any number of cells in series.
As far as the Lite is concerned, the solar charging is just like regen charging. Therefore, while charging from the sun:

  • It does not do balance
  • The SOC will be off:
    • It does not calibrate the SOC
    • The low current from the PV panels may be too low for SOC calculations

Two sets of schematics are given: solar only, or with also an AC plug.
For each, there is a version that powers the BMS from a DC-DC converter, and one tha powers it from the 12 V battery.

Schematic diagram
Schematic diagram for an EV with solar panels (no charger), low voltage, DC-DC
Schematic diagram
Schematic diagram for an EV with solar panels (no charger), low voltage, 12V battery
Schematic diagram
Schematic diagram for an EV with both charger and solar panels, low voltage, DC-DC
Schematic diagram
Schematic diagram for an EV with both charger and solar panels, low voltage, 12V battery


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Page published on: May 07 2024.      Installation manual