
Lithiumate™ Manual

index reference app_notes all_loads_on

All Balance Loads On

To test cell boards or Balance Boosters

This application note describes how to turn on all the balance loads to test them.

  1. Power the BMS through the "Source" power supply input.
  2. Make sure that HLIM is inactive (charging is enabled).
  3. Go to the classic user interface: Tab to Test / Terminal, click inside the left text area
  4. Set a high "cell heating temperature":
    Press H 4 8 2 1
    Enter 40 (for 40 degrees C) or any value higher than the present cell board temperature, press enter
  5. IMPORTANT! When done, restore the temperature to 0 C, to avoid draining the cells

Note: if the battery is unbalanced and the BMS is balancing it, the BMS will alternate every 1 s between balancing and turning on all the loads.


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