
Lithiumate™ Manual

index install install_balance_booster

Install - Balance Booster

Installation and wiring for the 1BB0000B Balance Booster™

Balance Booster
back to topMounting

The mounting method is not specified, as mechanical and thermal considerations depend on the particular application and on the format of the cells used. Mounting holes are provided, and one of the surfaces is completely flat, allowing surface mounting.

When deciding on how to mount a Balance Booster, take into consideration that its temperature when on is about 100 °C hotter than ambient. Therefore, it is not advisable to mount it directly on a cell.

  • Small Cylindrical: the 2.5" dimension of the board matches the length of small cylindrical cells; this suggests mounting it physically in parallel with the cells, though at some distance away.
  • Prismatic: With cell in the normal orientation (vertical), the board may be mounted also vertically, for example mounted on strips of non-conductive material that are inserted in the grooves between cells.

In any case, the board can be mounted some distance from the cell board, as its wires may be long without a problem.

back to topParalleling

Multiple Balance Boosters may be connected and mounded in parallel, to increase the balance current.

Balance Boosters in parallel
  • The 'B+' of all balance boosters are connected to the cell's '+' terminal
  • The 'B-' of all balance boosters are connected to the cell's '-' terminal
  • The 'C' of all balance boosters are connected together, and then to the cell board's 'C' terminal
back to topConnection

Suggested wires:

  • 'B+': 18 AWG, red
  • 'B-': 18 AWG, black
  • 'C': 24 AWG, white
Small cyclindrical anchor


  1. Use a red wire to connect the 'B+' terminal of the Balance Booster to the 'B+' pad of the cell board
  2. Use a black wire to connect the 'B-' terminal of the Balance Booster to the 'B-' pad of the cell board
  3. Use a white wire to connect the 'C' terminal of the top Balance Booster to the 'C' pad of the cell board
Small cyclidrical Balance Booster wiring diagram
Prismatic anchor


  1. Use a red wire to connect the 'B+' terminal of the Balance Booster to the 'B+' pad of the cell board
  2. Use a black wire to connect the 'B-' terminal of the Balance Booster to the 'B-' pad of the cell board
  3. Use a white wire to connect the 'C' terminal of the top Balance Booster to the 'C' pad of the cell board
Prismatic Balance Booster wiring diagram
Large cyclindrical anchor

Large cyclindrical cell boards have 2 circuits on one PCB assembly, and therefore take 2 Balance Boosters.

Large cyclidrical Balance Booster wiring diagram


  1. Use a red wire to connect the 'B+' terminal of the top Balance Booster to the 'B+' pad of the cell board
  2. Use a black wire to connect the 'B-' terminal of the top Balance Booster to the 'BM' pad of the cell board
  3. Use a white wire to connect the 'C' terminal of the top Balance Booster to the top 'C' pad of the cell board
  4. Use a red wire to connect the 'B+' terminal of the bottom Balance Booster to the 'BM' pad of the cell board
  5. Use a black wire to connect the 'B-' terminal of the bottom Balance Booster to the 'B-' pad of the cell board
  6. Use a white wire to connect the 'C' terminal of the bottom Balance Booster to the bottom 'C' pad of the cell board

© 2008~2025 Elithion™, LLC. All rights reserved, except where noted by CC mark. Page published on May 07 2024.
The Elithion brand and the 'ə' (upside down 'e') logo are Trademarks of Elithion LLC. Graphic design by morninglori


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