
Lithiumate™ Manual

index reference tools


Recommended tools to install and operate the BMS

back to topInstallation
Some of the tools used in installing a BMS
Messed-up crimp
An improperly crimped socket, done using the wrong tools and incorrect stripping length.
back to topProgramming
Programming tools
Some of the tools used in programming a BMS
back to topPgm adapter
Hardware rev F and up anchor


  • 0.1" pitch pin strip, 0.26" on each end, breakable: Digikey


  • Break off a group of 6 pins
  • Clip one of the pins off, just on one side
Programmer adapter diagram Programmer adapter
Programmer adapter installed
Programmer adapter

For your reference, the pin out is:

  1. Vpp (this is the pin closest to the white Control connector)
  2. Vdd (5 V)
  3. Vss (Gnd)
  4. PDAT (data)
  5. PCLK (clock)
Up to hardware rev E anchor


  • 0.1" pitch pin strip, 5 pins
  • 0.1" pitch pin strip, 6 pins
  • Five wires, 4" length, yellow, red, black, white, green
  • 1/8" heat shrink tubing


  • Solder the wires to the 6 pin connector:
    1. yellow
    2. red
    3. black
    4. white
    5. green
    6. none
  • Install 10 pieces of 3/8" long heat shrink tubing on the 5 wires, two per wire
  • Solder the wires to the 5 pin connector:
    1. red
    2. white
    3. green
    4. yellow
    5. black
  • Slip the heat shrink tubing on the soldered ends of the pins, and heat shrink
Programmer adapter diagram
Programmer adapter diagram
Programmer adapter cable
Programmer adapter cable
  • Connect the programmer to the BMS controller with the adapter cable
    • programmer side: 6 pin connector, yellow wire on pin marked by a triangle
    • BMS controlelr side: 5 pin connector, red wire in pin 1 (closest to white connector)
PICKit 2 programmer connected
PICKit 2 programmer connected

© 2008~2025 Elithion™, LLC. All rights reserved, except where noted by CC mark. Page published on May 07 2024.
The Elithion brand and the 'ə' (upside down 'e') logo are Trademarks of Elithion LLC. Graphic design by morninglori


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