
Lithiumate™ Manual

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Elektro Automatik

Using a Elektro Automatik charger with an Lithiumate BMS.

Note: Elektro Automatik no longer manufactures these chargers, and the latest version of the Elithion software no longer supports them.

The Lithiumate BMS (rev 1.33 to 2.35) interfaces with a single Elektro Automatik PS 8000 DT/2U/3U power supply series through the CAN bus.

back to topWiring
  1. Check of there is a CAN interface card type IF-C1 inside the charger
  2. Connect the CANH and CANL lines of the BMS to the CANH and CANL lines of the charger.
    • The CAN bus needs two terminations, one at each end of the bus.
    • The BMS has an internal termination, which can be removed
    • The charger's internal termination may be configured on or off through the set-up menu
back to topCharger Configuration

Configure the charger to operate with the BMS.

  1. Turn the Power Switch ON
  2. Verify that the output is switched off, and also the remote LED must be off.
  3. Verify that either the BMS is off, or it is not yet programmed to talk to this charger
  4. Push the current rotary knob and voltage rotary knob at the same time for 5 seconds to open the settings menu.
  5. Select "Baud" with the voltage rotary knob
  6. Set with the current rotary knob the baud rate to 500 kBd
  7. Select "Base ID" with the voltage rotary knob
  8. Set with the current rotary knob the base ID to 0x614 (when the value is decimal push the current rotary knob)
  9. Select "Broad ID" with the voltage rotary knob
  10. Set with the current rotary knob the Broad ID to 0x620 (when the value is decimal push the current rotary knob)
  11. If the charger should have a CAN termination, set "Bus Term" to "Yes"
  12. Push the current and voltage rotary knob at the same time for 5 seconds to save the settings
back to topBMS Configuration

Configure the BMS to operate with the charger.

  1. Select messages to this charger: Home / Set-up / More / CAN bus / Communication with other devices / Chargers / Elektro Automatik
  2. Set up receiving the charger current from this charger:
    1. Specify the nominal current setting of the charger: Home / Set-up / Current sense / Source current / Current sensor / Gain
      • Enter the nominal current in [A]; For example, for 70 A, enter 70
    2. Set up RX messages: Home / Set-up / Current sense / Source current / CAN message / ...
      1. ... ID: set to 616h
      2. ... 1st data byte: set to 3
      3. ... Length: set to 1: 1 byte
      4. ... Offset: set to 0
      5. ... Units: set to 1/100th of the nominal current setting of the charger
        • The 1/100th is because the charger uses % as units
        • For example, for 70 A, enter 700 [mA/count]
      6. ... Direction: set to Yes: + = into battery
    3. Reset the BMS controller for changes to the CAN message ID to take effect (Cycle power off and on, or press H / 6/ 7)
  3. If required, change the CAN speed to match the CAN speed of the charger:
    1. Home / Set-up / Set-up / More / CAN bus / Can Bus rate

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The Elithion brand and the 'ə' (upside down 'e') logo are Trademarks of Elithion LLC. Graphic design by morninglori


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