
Lithiumate™ Manual

index plan system_wiring tm4


Using a TM4 motor inverter and VMU with an Lithiumate BMS.

Wiring anchor

Connect the BMS and the TM4 VMU through the CAN bus. (This is a different bus from the bus between the VMU and the motor inverter.)

back to topConfigure the Lithiumate Pro BMS

In the GUI, go to the "Configure" tab, the "Communicate" sub-tab, the "Message to devices" box, the "Motor driver" box, and select "TM4".

back to topConfigure the TM4 inverter

The TIM inverter does not need any configuration to work with the BMS.

back to topCAN messages

If enabled (see above), the Lithiumate generates the following message for the TM4 series motor inverters.


  • Multi-byte values are little-endian: the MSB (Most Significant Byte) is in the higher numbered data byte (the right most byte in the following tables)
  • The default bus speed is 500 kbps
  • Message rate: 100 ms
Transmit to VMU, message Battery_Data1 anchor
ID Bytes Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
521h 8 DOD (1)


  1. Depth of Discharge, 0 to 6553.5 % [0.1 %]
Transmit to VMU, message Battery_Data2 anchor
ID Bytes Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
522h 8 Fault/Warning flags (1) Limp control flag (2) Vbatt-min (3) Idisch-min (4)


  1. Bit 0: 1 = fault; Bit 5: 1 = warning
  2. Bit 0: 1 = limp
  3. Minimum battery voltage, 0 to 6.5 kV [0.1 V]
  4. Maximum battery discharge current, 0 to 6.5 kA [0.1 A]
Transmit to VMU, message Battery_Data3 anchor
ID Bytes Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
523h 8 Vbatt-max (1) Iregen-min (2)


  1. Maximum battery voltage, 0 to 6.5 kV [0.1 V]
  2. Maximum battery charge current, 0 to 6.5 kA [0.1 A]
Transmit to VMU, message BIM_Data0 anchor
ID Bytes Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
530h 8 Enable flags (1) Charge status code (2) Temperature (3) Temperature flag (4)


  1. Bit 0: 1 = Precharge is complete. contactors are on; Bit 1: 1 = Regen is enabled
  2. Bit 6,7: 00 = not charging; 01 = charging in progress; 02 = charging complete; 03 = charging fault
  3. Average battery temperature, [°C + 40 °C]
  4. Bit 0: 1 = Implausible battery temperature

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