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Automotive Battery Management Systems

Off-the-shelf Li-Ion BMSs for automotive applications

Battery management systems for Automotive applications need to operate under more demanding conditions than in energy storage applications.

  • They need to have a fast response time, to react the rapidly changing cell voltages and battery current
  • They need to interface with the vehicle (typically through a CAN bus) and a charger (when the ignition is off)
  • They need to operate in a wide temperature range and under adverse environmental conditions

The Lithiumate Pro BMS was borne of Elithion's long experience with traction packs for EVs, HEVs and PHEVs.

The Lithiumate Pro is designed to interface directly with a variety of motor controller and chargers, and to manage a traction pack intelligently.

This BMS monitors, evaluates, balances and protects a Li-Ion battery pack.

  • Off the shelf, plug-and-play
  • For professional applications: commercial grade, metal case (not sealed)
  • Distributed (a cell board is mounted on each cell: measures voltage and temperature, balances the cell)
  • Minimum number of wires in HV pack, single wire to adjacent cell boards
  • For large packs: up to 255 cells (~ 900 V), in up to 16 banks
  • Supports all cell form factors: prismatic, small & large cylindrical, pouch
  • Supports mid-voltage Lithium-ion chemistries:
    • Lithium iron phosphate (LFP): LiFePO4 , LiFeYPO4
    • LiCoO2 (LCO) - Lithium cobalt oxide
    • LiMn2O4 (LMO) - Lithium manganese oxide
    • LiNiMnCoO2 (NMC) - Lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide
    • LiNiCoAlO2 (NCA) - Lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide
  • Protects cells from over current, under/over voltage, under/over temperature
  • Dissipative (passive) balancing (top balance)
  • Sophisticated, digital technology: reports each cell's voltage and temperature
  • CAN and RS232 communications
  • Fully configurable, field programmable
  • Cable mount Hall Effect current sensor
  • Contactor drivers with precharge
  • Optical isolation between pack and low voltage circuit
  • Pack isolation loss detection (optional)
  • Compatible with these chargers
  • Compatible with these motor drivers
  • Graphics User Interface
Lithiumate pro masterClick picture to enlarge
Lithiumate Pro master


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