Lithiumate Lite vs analog BMS Comparison between the Lite and the most popular analog BMS | |
The Lithiumate Lite is the least expensive digital (smart) BMS, making it cost competitive with analog (dumb) BMSs.
Yet it offers so much more, as shown below.
| Lithiumate Lite
| Most popular analog BMS
| Simple to install
Protects from everything
Helpful during set-up and troubleshooting
Offers GUI
Reports state of charge
| Simplest to install
Easiest to understand
Protects from overcharge
| Requires learning how to use it
| Not very helpful during troubleshooting
Doesn't protect from over-discharge
| Digital: detects and reports what the problem is, where it is, and by how much (great for troubleshooting)
| Analog: detects and reports that there's some problem (don't know what or where) (unhelpful for troubleshooting)
Protects against
| Cell over voltage
Cell under voltage
Pack over voltage
Pack under voltage
Over temperature
Under temperature
Over charging current
Over discharging current
Electrical fault
| Cell over voltage
(Warns use of under-voltage, but doesn't protect)
| Completely, until done
| Only once per power cycle
| SOC (State Of Charge)
Actual capacity
Pack voltage
Pack current
Cell resistance
| Nothing
| Log of exceptions
| Nothing
User interface
| LEDs on cell boards
LEDs on Master
Graphic User Interface, Windows
| LEDs on cell boards
User configurable
| Capacity and chemistry (very easy)
Advanced settings (optional, very versatile)
| Fault delay (even easier, but not versatile)
Kit includes
| Master
Cell boards
Cables to cell boards
Breakouts to cell boards
Wires and splices between cell boards
Cable to computer
Load current sensor
| Master
Cell boards
Master includes
| AC power supply
Throttle shunt to warn of low battery
Charger current sensor
USB port for computer
Meter outputs: SOC, pack voltage and current
Control outputs: charge OK, discharge OK, Warning, Fault
Solid State Relay to control charger
| Beeper
Throttle shunt to warn of low battery