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2CS0xx0K series current sensors

Cable mounted, 50 to 600 A, bidirectional current sensors for the Pro Master.

This cable-mounted current sensor is slipped on a high current battery cable and connected to a Lithiumate™ BMS controller to detect battery currents (such as the load current) in the range of 50 to 600 A.

Its resolution may not be sufficient for much lower currents (such as from a charger). In that case please see the in-line current sensors, with currents ranges of 5 to 20 A.

Note that some HV Front Ends already include a current sensor.

Compared to other sensors, a cable mounted current sensor:

  • Can handle higher currents
  • Does not drift due to self-heating
  • May simplify the layout of high voltage cabling
Cable-mounted current sensorClick picture to enlarge
Cable mounted current sensor


Electrical specifications

Symbol Item Conditions Min   Max Units
Inom Nominal current 2CS0050K   50   A
2CS0100K 100
2CS0200K 200
2CS0400K 400
2CS0600K 600
Imax Maximum readable current 2CS0050K   62   A
2CS0100K 125
2CS0200K 250
2CS0400K 500
2CS0600K 750
Isat Saturation current 2CS0050K   150   A
2CS0100K 300
2CS0200K 600
2CS0400K 700
2CS0600K 700
XI-nom Accuracy 2CS0050K     ±0.5 A
2CS0100K ±1
2CS0200K ±2
2CS0400K ±4
2CS0600K ±6
Visol Isolation voltage   2.5   kV

Mechanical specifications

mechanical drawing

Manufacturer specifications

Tamura L03SXXXD15 current sensors. pdf


  • ± 50 A: 2CS0050K
  • ± 100 A: 2CS0100K
  • ± 200 A: 2CS0200K
  • ± 400 A: 2CS0400K
  • ± 600 A: 2CS0600K

To order, please see the Lithiumate BMS ordering form.


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