home support products components displays 6DR0007T

6DR0007T - Touch-screen SoC display

State of Charge display for the Lithiumate BMS

The 6DR0007T displays basic status of an Elithion Lithiumate BMS.

Main screen displays:

  • SOC (State Of Charge)
  • Battery current and direction
  • Temperature
  • Warning or fault

Other screens display:

  • Battery and cell voltages, temperatures, resistances
  • Plot of data versus time
  • Battery and display status and rev info

Special features:

  • Self-service customization of background and logo
  • Data logger on USB stick
  • Remote monitor of real time data through Internet
Touch-screen display
Touch screen display

Live demo

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Remote monitoring of data from displays.



  • 12 V supply
  • Cable to BMS:
    • Lithiumate Pro: RS232-USB adapter
    • Lithiumate HD: standard USB cable


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